Nytt "how to be" klipp

Haha, älskar när han skrattar xD

Emma (Watson) om Rob :)

Tydligen så förutsåg Emma Watson, Hermione Granger i Harry Potter filmerna, att Rob skulle bli nått stort ;)

"Nevertheless, Watson said she was thrilled to see her hunky "Goblet of Fire" and "Order of the Phoenix" co-star graduate to become one of Hollywood's most promising young leading men since, well, Daniel Radcliffe. "Obviously, I know Rob," she explained. "I'm just gob-smacked by the level of excitement and hype around ‘Twilight.' I'm very happy for Rob that it's been so successful."

And although RPattz likes to play up his shock and confusion over all those shrieking, Sharpie-waving fans, Emma insisted that she knew all along that he'd someday become like the Beatles all rolled into one. "Of course I did; he is incredibly handsome!" she grinned. "He is a very, very handsome man, so I'm not too surprised."

Men hon har inte sett filmen :) Läs resten här.

Billie Joe Armstorng

Billie Joe Armstrong "goes nuts for" Robert Pattinson, säger han i en intervju.

Who would you want to play Christian and Gloria if this were given a big screen adaptation

The girl that played in ‘Juno' [Ellen Page] - I think she could be Gloria. The song ‘East Jesus Nowhere' - I got the title from ‘Juno.' There was that one part where the mother goes, "Why are you driving out in East Jesus Nowhere to go hang out with that couple." And it was like, "Oh my god, I've heard of Bumf- Egypt, but East Jesus Nowhere? That's amazing."
And Christian, I'm gonna say maybe that kid in ‘Twilight' [Robert Pattinson]. He's a good actor. There's still more to come with that kid.

Läs hela här.

Vem e det?

Hittade denna bilden på lion_lamb. Rob är skitsnygg, men vem är tjejen? Nån som vet?

Haha, OMG!

Hittar inga ord...

Visst, den är dåligt gjord, och man ser att det är olika ljussättning på huvudet och kroppen, men den är ändå asrolig!

Rob vill ha Tokio Hotel i NM soundracket

Japp, i en intervju med American Magazine sa Rob att han tyckte det tyska bandet Tokio Hotel vore ett bra val för New Moon soundtracket.

What do you think of the Twilight soundtrack?
Robert: Sountrack for the film I very good, Paramore are very talented ...

Who would you like to like the soundtrack to the next?
Robert: I like the band Tokio Hotel, have a good sound and lyrics, which are appropriate to the film.

A certain song?
Robert: One song I like and reminds me of the film, Rescue Me!

Passar ganska bra, tkr jag...

Robs Dossier photoshoot

Check it out :)


Icke tillåtet!

Posh24.se har just nu en omröstning om man tycker Rob är skitsnygg eller skitful. Skitful leder just nu med 51% av rösterna. Detta måste vi göra något åt, tryck här för att rösta :)

UPDATE: Skitsnygg har nu gått om och leder med 51 %

Little Ashes klipp

MTV har två klipp från Roberts nya film Little Ashes :)

Nya Rob pics!

Tillägnade Olivia, hahaha :)

Enligt Pink in this new blog så har dessa bilderna tagits för Dossier Magazine. Men jag kollade runt lite där, och jag hittade inget om RPattz... Dom har kanske inte orkat uppdatera :(

Miley Curys är inget fan av Rob

I en ny intervju med Miley Curys (Hannah Montana) för Teen Vogue så säger hon: "I'm not a huge Rob Pattinson fan. Girls aren't really in love with Rob; they're in love with Edward."

Är det så? Rob stalkers tror att don stalkar Edward? Peronserna som ber honom bita dem tror dom står framför Edward? För isåfall: Sök hjälp!

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Rotten Tomatoes har en artikel om New Moon och hela Twilight fenomenet :) Läs den här.

"Like Stewart, Rob Pattinson has ridden the Twilight frenzy into the limelight --whether he likes it or not. (Need evidence? Google "Spunk Ransom.") Expect to see more subdued vampirism from Edward and the rest of the Cullens this time around, whose stage-thick makeup jobs and ridiculous vampire hisses gave Twilight's detractors much glee. Pattinson's job, too, will be challenging -- he's got to maintain heartthrob status and keep fans faithfully hoping for a Bella-Edward reunion while being largely absent from the film. Weitz will likely use Pattinson in Bella's hallucinations during Edward's absence, so the chemistry between the two leads will have to be incredibly strong...else Edward fans jump ship to Team Jacob."

Var det bara jag som provade att googla Spunk Ransom ett par sekunder efter att jag läste det?

Funny Rob Moments

Hahaha! So, what's your favourite color?

Lina Schubert pratar om Rob!

En artikel om Lina Schubert och hon snackar om Rob :)
Läs den här.

Källa: lionandlamblove.org/

How To Be

Man kan förhandboka soundtarcket till How To Be här.

Rob svarar på rykten!

Ibland undrar jag vad Rob tänker under intervjuer. Han verkar ju näsan alltid trevlig och sånt, men ibland tror jag faktiskt att han bara vill smälla till reportern!

1. I heard that you follow all the online gossip about yourself?

I read that and thought it was such bullshit. I was like, "God, I sound like such a loser!"

2. So it's not true?

Well, I do sometimes. I used to a lot more before and then ... I only look at the negative stuff. I just want to know whoever's saying negative stuff, and I just want to remember their names. I write it all down in my black book. [Laughs]

3. Is it true that you took a fan out for dinner?

That is true, yeah.

4. Is it true that, I don't know if you saw this, but a source on the set of 'New Moon' said that you don't smell good, that you don't shower?

I haven't even been on the set yet!

5. You know the same thing went around about Zac Efron a while ago; that he doesn't shower.

Really? He looks like he smells really good [laughs]. I also do shower.

6. I also read that you got hit on the head with a sign while you were filming?

You know, that is the most ... I actually got told about that this morning. It's like, "What?" It's the most boring story.

7. I just watched a Ryan Reynolds video interview and he called you "dreamy" and said he'd love to work with you.

[Embarrassed laugh] Really?

8. Is there anyone you'd love to work with?

Ryan Reynolds! [Laugh] ... I've always wanted to work with Benicio Del Toro, I think he's amazing. And there are tons and tons of people ...

Robs hygienproblem= falska?

Skrev ju tidigare om att några (tankläsa och elaka) personer hade gått ut i media och sagt att Robert Pattinson skulle stinka. (Han tvättar som bekant inte håret) Min åsikt: Låt honom stikna om han vill!

Bill Zwecker from the Chicago Sun Times writes "On the one hand, there's buzz from some staffers that the British actor's 'typical European aversion of daily showers' has people sticking up their noses in disgust every time they get close enough to get a whiff of him." Despite official denials such as those from co-star Kristen Stewart's people saying (with latent pun) "Hogwash" and "Where do these stories come from?" Zwecker still maintains 'Having listened to all this, I must report several colleagues who did Twilight interviews last fall did claim Pattinson threw off a bit of a stench.' This, Zwecker states beyond the assertion by a "New Moon rep" that "It must really be a slow news day."

Uttalandet som startade alltihop: "he stinks. I mean, it's awful. He never showers, and it drives people on the set crazy"... "he completely reeks"

Läs hela artikeln här.

Robert Pattinson: New Moon is a strage story

"The book of 'New Moon,' the majority of it is incredibly depressing," Pattinson told Reuters. "Obviously 'Twilight' was about finding first love and the difficulties of that, but 'New Moon' is really about loss and reconciliation, but the reconciliation isn't completely full."

"It's a strange story to have for a market that, I guess, wants to see a love story," he said.

Nevertheless, the London-born Pattinson said everyone involved is working to make "New Moon" as big a success as "Twilight..."
Läs hela här.

Rob i "Memoirs"

"The script, originally penned by Will Fetters, centers on a pair of star-crossed lovers who meet and fall in love while struggling to deal with family tragedies that threaten their relationship. Jennny Lumet, who penned "Rachel Getting Married," is aboard to rewrite."

Trevligt, trevligt. Vill se den filmen :)

Håll för näsan, Vampyr på intåg!

Der verkar som om några på inspelningen tycker det är dags för Robert Pattinson att ta en dusch...

"He stinks. I mean, it's awful. He never showers, and it drives people on the set crazy," dishes someone who works in very close quarters with Pattz. Apparently our shaggy-haired love never rinses that bod of his, as Keanu and Brad have famously not done, as well, during extended periods of their hunky lives. Like, ever. And it's past the point of a little BO. "He completely reeks," complains an annoyed crewmember.

Men även om han stinker så är det kanske inte världens snällaste att gå ut i intervjuer och säga det...
Posh24.se har också ett inägg om det.

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