Justin Chon om sin nya film
"It was just like any other audition," he said. "Once I got hired, I was pretty excited, because it would possibly be a trilogy. It seemed like a young, hip kind of thing. But I had no idea how big it was going to be."
I fimen, crossing over, spelar Justin en koreansk kille som flyttade till USA i tidiga tonåren.
Taylor och Rob i nya "Frida"
Och sen nästa nummer: Hunkduell: vem av vampyrerna är hetast? (bild på Rob och Cam Gigandet, James)
Längta till nästa numer...
Det nya numret kommer i butik den 19 februari. Laddar upp bilder imorgon, orkar inte nu...
Ashley och Taylor intervju
As a guy, were you like psyched about prom or did you not really care either way if you went?
(Taylor) No, I was excited, I was really excited. You always watch a prom in movies growing up, and then it's like, "Oh, wow, I'm at prom!" It was a cool experience. But, yeah, I tried to stay in school as long as I could. I went to a public school my whole life until this year. I'm doing a TV show on NBC ["My Own Worst Enemy"], so I would just be missing too much [school], so I tested out of high school and now I'm in college.
Läs hela här.
Did you go to your prom?
(Ashley) I didn't go to my own senior prom but I went to the prom of my boyfriend at the time. My high school sweetheart, I went to his senior prom. That was really fun.
Läs hela här.
Robert och Taylor hos Tyra
Jag vet inte när detta var, men jag var faktiskt tvungen att lägga upp detta. Robert och Taylor hos Tyra Banks, hur kul kan det bli?? Skitkul! Haha, han biter henne *avundsjuk*
Kolla in andra delen också, tjejerna blir helt hysteriska. Och hon i rosa vinner Edward bilen. Världen är sjukt orättvis xD
Grattis Sarah Clarke
Taylor Lautner soundbite
Kolla även på Robert Pattinsons soundbite och lägg märke till tröjan som har EC typ broderat. Den vill jag ha xD
Se alla soundbites här.
Edi och Taylor sjunger Miley Cyrus...
Såå, enjoy xD
Taylor och Robert- Alla hjärtans dag
Taylor Lautner tells Popstar! Magazine that on that day he usually buys roses to be given to people who are close to him. "Roses for mom, roses for everybody! I'm a rosy kind of guy!" he says.
Besides, he also likes "to do cards." About that he claims, "I rarely go out and buy cards from a store. I hand-make them. They're not superfantastic, but I'll hand-make them and I get a little artsy and burn the edges and stuff and make it look cool!"
Och sen har vi då Rob som här önskar sin hund, Paty, en bra Alla Hjärtans Dag.
Peter intervju
Peter och Hans fru Jennie Garth hos Chelsea Lately. Snackas väldigt lite om Twilight, handlar mest om Jennie armhålor xD Men den är ganska rolig.
Nikki Reed
Nikki har intervjuats av 944 Magazine's Young Hollywood issue.
On co-star and friend, RPattz: "I respect him a lot. He's a fascinating, multi-talented human being."
On her old-school celebrity crushes: "Pre-surgery Michael Jackson, Gregory Peck and Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid."
On how she feels about blood: "I don't know if I would ever drink blood, but I certainly love an uncooked steak."