Eclipse regisören

Det har ju cirkulerat en hel del rykten om att Drew Barrymore skulle regisera "Eclipse". Det ar tydligen falskt. Hittade detta på lion_lamb... Vet inte om detta är sant heller, men men..

The rumor mill has been on fire with talk of Madonna, Vanessa Hudgens, AnnaLynne McCord, and Dakota Fanning being hired for a coveted spot on the New Moon cast, however there has been no official confirmation of any of them being hired.

There have also been rumors circulating that Drew Barrymore will be directing the third installment of Stephenie Meyer's
Twilight Series. These rumors are false. Due to the New Moon production schedule for director Chris Weitz, his brother and co-owner of "Depth of Field Productions" - Paul Weitz - will be directing Eclipse. Chris Weitz is about to start directing "New Moon" but will still be in post-production when the third film starts shooting.
Just last week, Summit officially announced "Eclipse" will be released in theaters June 10, 2010.

Eclipse will NOT be filmed back-to-back with New Moon, and there will be completely separate casting cycle. Details about future auditions and open casting calls for Eclipse can be found on the following auditions website:

Justin Chon om sin nya film

Justin Chon spelar Eric i "Twilight". Hans nya film "crossing over" släpps snart. Läs en artikel här, där han berättar om sin nya film, varför han forarmade bor hos sin mamma och om sin Twilight audition.

"It was just like any other audition," he said. "Once I got hired, I was pretty excited, because it would possibly be a trilogy. It seemed like a young, hip kind of thing. But I had no idea how big it was going to be."

I fimen, crossing over,  spelar Justin en koreansk kille som flyttade till USA i tidiga tonåren.

Team Edward och Team Jacob

Någon gång nästa vecka så kommer dessa tröjorna att landa i brevlådan. Men jag vill ha dom nu... Och sen imorgon ska jag beställa Så länge vi båda andas och När jag hör din röst, inbundna. Jag har redan När jag hör din röst, men det är i pocket, och det blir mkt finare i bokhyllan om det är samma format på alla böckerna. Onödigt? Jag vet, hehe ;)

Christian Serrato nominerad...

..till "best young supporting actress" på 30th annual Young Artist Awards. Christian spelar Angela Weber i "Twilight".
Se alla nomineringar här.

Twilightfansens egna casting rykten

MTV lät Twilight fansen komma på egna rykten inför New Moon. Dom är faktiskt riktigt roliga. Hoppas alla Disney människor läser dessa och fattar att vi inte vill ha dom i "Twilight"- serien!

- Apparently, you are obsessed with Disney stars getting eaten by the Volturi or just getting eaten all together. "JaNuArYMoRNiNgXO" wrote, "I think the best one would be if the Jonas Brothers replaced the Cullen brothers, and they all went to Camp Rock and ate every other cookie-cutter Disney star out there." Poor Demi Lovato! Oh, and laurenx33 wants Madonna to get eaten too.

- "Xoforbiddenfruitxo" dreamed up this rumor about Dylan and Cole Sprouse playing evil vampire siblings, Alec and Jane. Which one will play Jane? Could it be the "Suite Life in Italy"? Not a bad idea. Get on that Disney!

- Talk about merging two franchises! "Dr.Pepper" "heard" that at the end of the credits of "New Moon," the Hulk is going to recruit the Cullens to join the Avengers. Carlisle is the new Captain America, and they would just forget about making "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn."

- "Ellie' wants the Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to replace Emmett. I don't know how I feel about this rumor. My vote goes to Christian Bale. Why? Because just like Mickey Rourke, Christian Bale is awesome. Awesomely hot.

- "BittenApplE" has a very special announcement! There's going to be a new character in "New Moon" named Cedward Diggen, but I think "BittenApp1E" meant Cedric Diggory. It's okay Bitten, because I get all my Robert Pattinsons confused too. I also heard that just like Daniel Radcliffe's character, Stewart, Cedric will also be carrying around his wizard stick. Then he's going to fall in love with Bella and fight for her love. There's going to be an intense fight between Edward and Cedric, but then Jacob jumps into the brawl! Jacob is T.O'ed because he's been kicked out of the love triangle, so he'll enlist Teen Wolf to be his partner in crime. OK, I'm going overboard.

- I have one more bogus tale for you fans. You've probably heard that Drew Barrymore is rumored to be one of the candidates for director of "Eclipse", but she's also going to star in "Breaking Dawn"! She's going to recruit Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz for the film, and they'll play the Amazonian coven, Zafrina, Senna, and Kachiri. Beat that!

How will Taylor Lautner become Jacob Black in New Moon?

"The real challenge, however, now lies in transforming the boy into the man. In the New Moon novel, Jacob Black is struggling with the physical changes in addition to weighty, burdensome internal conflict about what he is becoming. Loyalty and trust are conflicts that Jacob has to endure not only within himself but also with his family and friends. As a teenage boy, Lautner will have to find the balance between adolescence and leadership with Black. While Jacob is extremely protective of Bella, and not for purely platonic reasons, Black also shares a similar conflict with Edward Cullen. Both boys love Bella and vow to protect her no matter the circumstances. Jacob knows that Bella's heart will never belong to him, but his desire to be with her is only paralleled by Bella's need for his friendship and presence to fill the void that Edward has left. Jacob goes from fun-loving friend to a protective quasi-boyfriend."

Läs hela här.

Filmer från "Twilight" premiären i Japan

Haha, man ser faktiskt Rob, Kris och Taylor och jag tror inte det är en mobil film tack vare kvalitén. Men personen som filamr tappar faktiskt kameran en gång. Och se till att skruva ner ljudet på datorn innan ni kollar, dom japanska fansen skriker väldigt högt xD
Haha, i början säger en tjej: oh, this is Taylor Lautner, och en kille bara: Who??

"She always looks pissed off" Det gör hon inte alls din...

Blandade RPattz news.., min favoritsida när det gäller Robert Pattinson nyheter har lagt upp fyra nya artiklar om honom, plus en om Peter Facinelli och en om Kristen Stewart

Robert förstog tydligen inte Edward Cullen när han läste manuset.
Robert om skillnaden att spela in "Twilight" och "Harry Potter"
Något om sånglektioner
Robert kanske släpper ett album!!!
Peter vill tacka "Twilight"-fansen
Kristen såg inte glad ut på "Twilight" premiären i Japan

Jag älskar den sidan!

New Moon realeasedatum över hela världen

New Moon will be released on November 19, 2009 in Australia.

New Moon will be released on November 19, 2009 in New Zealand.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in the USA.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Canada.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Norway.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Brazil.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Finland.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Italy.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Norway.

New Moon will be released on November 27, 2009 in the UK.

New Moon will be released on January 7, 2010 in Germany.

Förhoppningsvis kommer Sverige hamna högst upp på listan xD Tur att man inte bor i Tyskland iallafall!

Bilder från Japan premiären

Bilder från Japan premiären av Twilight har kommit. Ser ut som det regnar xD


Bilder från presskonferansen som hölls innan premiären:


Edward vs Jacob har en artikel + en omröstningen om  "Taylor Lautner will eclipse Robert Pattinson in New Moon". Rösta här.

"Look out Robert Pattinson, there's a sexy werewolf in town.

Twilight's much anticipated sequel New Moon will allow Taylor Lautner's hottie werewolf character Jacob to step up and woo Bella leading-man style-and he might not let her, or the swooning fans, go.

"I think Rob should watch out," Rachelle Lefevre, who plays Victoria, tells Life & Style magazine. "(Taylor) will make sure his relationship with her is just as intense and has just as much chemistry as Rob's."

Indeed, Pattinson is quoted in the magazine piece downing Stella beer and lamenting, "I've got two scenes."  

Lautner is ready to get hairy in the big-time role, knowing that once you go wolf, you cannot get enough. He tells the mag, "I wanted to get Twlight over with, let Edward (Pattinson) have his time with Bella and get moving with New Moon."

"It's about time Jacob got in there."

Rrrrrrrr. Those claws are sharp."

Bella och Edward på trejde plats

Bella och Edward kom på trejde plats när OK! magazine listade dom 9 (?) hetaste vampyrparen genom tiderna. Läs det här.

Behöver jag skriva nått?

Vinn en roll i New Moon

Japp, du läste rätt... Vinn en roll i New Moon. För att vara med måste du skicka in en 1 minuts film av dig själv.

Detta är då det som domarna kommer titta på.

"Creativity: Show Your Inventive Side and Think Outside of the Box.

Originality: Be Unique and Different, and Make Yourself Stand Out.

Clarity of Expression: Speak Clearly and Articulate Your Points Well."
Läs reglerna här.

Tyvärr är detta en av reglerna: Target an English-speaking audience.

Ställ dina egna frågor till Robert...

...Kristen, Taylor, Ashley och Jackson.

"Get ready to sink your teeth into something special, Twilighters... because "Extra" is bringing you closer than ever to your favorite vampires! We'll have the entire cast of "Twilight" on our set next week - and they'll be answering questions from YOU!

Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene, Jackson Rathbone - they're all waiting to hear from you! Just upload your video questions!"

Ställ din fråga här.

Checka in denna videon också.

NM inte filmas i Volterra??

Tidigare i år kom det information om att New Moon skulle filmas i Volterra, i Italien. Men nu sägs det att det inte alls är bekräftat än...

Municipality of Volterra has written many letters to Summit Entertainment with only one short answer (we read it..and sounds like: "oh, thank you..we are thinking about it...") but has no more been contacted by New Moon production.

I know that wrote "Volterra, two weeks in may". But, the day after, "Eagle Pictures" (Italian distribution) said to italian press that everything was misunderstood by the columnist Nick Vivarelli.


Bågon har iallfall startat en petition, sign it here.

Dakota Fanning med, på pappret....


STATUS - March 23 LOCATION - Vancouver - Italy

PRODUCER: Patrick Wachsberger - Wyck Godfrey WRITER: Melissa Rosenberg DIRECTOR: Chris Weitz LP: Bill Bannerman PM: Barbara Kelly

CAST: Robert Pattinson - Kristen Stewart - Taylor Lautner - Billy Burke - Gil Birmingham - Peter Facinelli -Elizabeth Reaser -Ashley Greene - Jackson Rathbone - Kellan Lutz - Nikki Reed - Dakota Fanning

Dakota Fanning står nu alltså med som en av skådespelarna. Finally, säger jag, är sjukt trött på alla rykten, och jag tror hon kommer göra Jane skitbra!

Solomon Trimble intervju

SIMPLY TWILIGHT: If you could give advice to anyone or any age about any topic, what would it be?

SOLOMON TRIMBLE: It sounds corny but, stay in school

SIMPLY TWILIGHT: There was talk about you publishing some of your poetry and I wondered if it were true and where the book(s) could be purchased.

SOLOMON TRIMBLE: I've written allot of poetry over the last eight years and yes I am trying to publish a book or two. I have yet to find the publisher I want, I have a very specific Idea of what I want. So there's no place to buy it yet but I assume when I find the publisher I want then it should be available at any commercial book store.

Where does the inspiration to write your poetry come from?

SOLOMON TRIMBLE: I try to let it come from anywhere. I also try to let each poem sound completely unrelated to an others I've written. I was really into Edgar Alan Poe for a while but found myself only able to write depressing or melancholy poems. Now I just free-write until I come across a line that I like or an idea, then start from there.

What was you favorite part about the preparations you made for the role of ‘Sam Uley' in the twilight film?

SOLOMON TRIMBLE: I'd say learning of Quileute language and their history. I was amazed to learn that the Quileute pay homage to the bear as much as they do the wolf. I also really wanted to understand the average teenage Quileute lifestyle. I got to pull a few boys aside, away from their elders, and asked them what they really do outside of school and home. It helped when I worked with wardrobe to dress the Quileute boys for the beach scene. So I guess it was meeting the Quileute and sharing traditions.

What is the hardest/most emotional lesson that you have learned about life and how did you figure it out? Have you figured it out?

SOLOMON TRIMBLE:This is a deep question. I have learned that no matter the goal, that I am the only obstacle that needs to be overcome. I figured this out after studying the talents I wanted most for myself, guitar, piano and poetry.

We know that you have studied dance throughout your life. What types of dance have you studied, do you continue to do, and what is your favorite overall?

SOLOMON TRIMBLE: I've danced Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Tango, meringue and of course Native American dance. I miss dancing tap most of all but my favorite is grass dancing.

SIMPLY TWILIGHT: what are your favorite and least favorite parts about being an actor

SOLOMON TRIMBLE:My favorite part about being an actor is to see my hard work on screen. My least favorite is the time constraint that film has, some times you only get one shot and one take to get something right.

SIMPLY TWILIGHT:what sort of process do you go through to prepare for your roles?

SOLOMON TRIMBLE: I paraphrase the lines by improvising lines I add to a script, then when the time comes I read the script as it is written and the intentions of my added lines comes through the original ones. I also study the character's background to better write improved lines.

Questions from our friends at Team Solomon:

- Do you think Sam's such a strong leader because he feels like an "undeserving alpha", and never wants to look anyone else in the eyes to see that level of disappointment, after Leah... lol, or not?

SOLOMON TREMBLE: I don't think it's due to Leah. He doesn't look at Leah for many reason,s I think. I don't think he wants to look at her out of fear it might strike up an unwanted conversation, and talking to Leah may cause drama with Emily or just hurt Leah further; also culturally Native American's in the northwest don't look a person directly in the eyes out of respect. I understand the question though; I think he's a strong leader in the wolf pack due to the fact that every pack member that is not Jacob understands that Sam is leading out of necessity and compassion, not just because of bloodline. I think the pack members can relate to Sam's position more than Jacobs. Sam just wants to lead to protect his family and friends.

- Do you think what Sam is offering to Emily is much different to what he once offered Leah? If so, how is it different and why do you think it is?

SOLOMON TREMBLE:I think maybe Sam offered Leah a way out of a life she wanted saving from, that's why she's so mad at him. I don't really have an answer for the Emily part though; I mean there is no better offer than to find your soul mate.

- We've heard lots of rumors about your preparation for Sam in New Moon, that you've been bulking up and donated your cut hair to "Locks for Love" - is there any truth to this and/or would you be willing to?

SOLOMON TREMBLE:Yeah I've been bulking up. I've spent way too much money on a physical trainer. In addition, I've been taking a lot of weight gainer and eating about three to four pounds of chicken a day... I hate chicken now! As for the hair thing, yes I cut some of it, but I did not donate it. There is a cultural paradox for me and "Locks for Love", I am to burn any hair when I cut it for specific reasons, but I would also like to donate to such a great cause. For now I have it kept in a safe place until I decide what to do.

Rösta på Alices Hår! har en ömröstning om vems hår som är finast, eller mest avundvärt eller nått sånt xD
Självklart är Ashley Greene, som Alice, med i tävlingen. Hon tävlar mot Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift och Miley Cyrus.

Rösta här.

Bildspecial 1

Fick en idé... BILDSPECIAL! Så varje torsdag kommer jag ha extra mkt bilder på en av skådespelarna i Twilight. Och man ska ju börja med det godaste först, har jag hört...



Nya Zeeländarna bli först med att se NM

Japp, deras premiär av uppföljaren till Twilight är satt till den 19 november. USA har ju datumet 20 november, men bara tack vare tidsskillnaden så ser nya zeeländarna filmen först.

Jippie, fler Disney människor!!!!

Hur många Disney kändisar, eller f.d Disney kändisar är vi uppe i nu?? Vanassa Hudgens, Brenda Song, Hilary Duff, Jonas Brothers (räknar jag som Disney kändisar...) Såå, där har vi några, det tog mig ungefär 5 sekunder att rabbla upp dom.
Och nu har även Demi Lovato sagt att hon vill vara med i New Moon soundtracket.
Varför inte bara låta alla som vill vara med i New Moon?? Förlåt om jag låter arg, men jag är faktiskt väldigt irriterade på kändisarna som bara vill vara med på grund av media upppmärksamheten...

Haha, roliga(falska) NM rykten

Eftersom allt och alla hittar på nya rkten om New Moon hela tiden har MTV hittat på några egna, totalt urlöjliga, men skitroliga "rykten" om NM.

Twilighters were up in arms when they heard the rumor that Vanessa Hudgens and Brenda Song were in contention for the role of Leah Clearwater. They all cried, "No Disney stars ... EVER!" Vanessa is still hoping to nab the coveted role as Jacob's fiesty frenemy, but as of now, it looks like neither will be playing the part (hooray!). Twilighters got to breathe easy for about 2.5 seconds until another actor or actress was rumored to be the next Leah, Jane or Aro.

There were some reports that seemed too nutty to be true. If you thought the whole Hudgens/Song rumor was crazy, just brace yourself. Have you heard any of these?

Lindsay Lohan wants to be in "New Moon"! Hilary Duff is clamoring to be a part of the second installment of the "Twilight" saga! "Lord of the Rings" star Sir Ian McKellan as Aro! "Harry Potter" wizard Alan Rickman as a member of the Volturi!

None of the rumors above can beat the mother of all rumors: Madonna is going to be in "New Moon"!

  • Mickey Rourke is replacing Billie Burke as Charlie. Why? Because Mickey Rourke is awesome.
  • Earlier this week the news broke that Governor Schwarzenegger was taking time off to do a film. Could this be a cover for a "New Moon" role? TOTALLY.
  • There will be a new character named Stewart, Edward's long-lost brother. Stewart will have equally awesome hair and will be played by Zac Efron.
  • Brad Pitt's old man version of Benjamin Button is going to play Aro.
  • Daniel Radcliffe is going to replace Jackson Rathbone as Jasper. He'll have his wizard stick handy in case Voldemort pops up to kill Edward.


    Kristen har landat i Japan

    Ni kankse har hört att Robert Pattinson (Edward), Kristen Stewart (Bella) och Taylor Lautner (Jacob) ska vara i japan för att promota Twilight inför premiären där. Dom stackarna får inte chans att se filmen på bio förrän den 4 april. (enligt
    Kristen har nu alltså landat där, Rob anlände redan i förgår men jag vet inte om Taylor har kommit än..

    Watch out Rob!

    MSNBC har en kort artikel om romansen mellan Jake och Bella i New Moon...

    Move over, Robert Pattinson. A new supernatural heartthrob is set to hit the big screen. Pattinson, who starred as "Twilight's" leading man, vampire Edward Cullen, skips town after just two scenes in the franchise's sequel, "New Moon," making way for Taylor Lautner's werewolf, Jacob Black, to romance Kristen Stewart's character, Bella.

    "I wanted to get ‘Twilight' over with, let Edward have his time with Bella and get moving with ‘New Moon,'" Lautner, 17, told Life & Style. "It's about time Jacob got in there."

    The clean-cut Lautner added 30 pounds to his frame to help him unseat Pattinson and appear worthy of Bella's affections.
    "Taylor's very serious about forming a connection with Kristen," Rachelle Lefevre, who plays evil vamp Victoria, told Life & Style. "He'll make sure his relationship with her is just as intense and has just as much chemistry as Rob's. I think Rob should watch out!"

    Edi Gathegi i House

    Edi, som spelar Laurent i twilight, säker nu jobb hos Dr. House xD Han spelar en av personerna som försöker komma med i Houses nya team. Håll tummarna för att det blir han. Så nu får vi alla kolla på House nästa tisdag kl. 21.00 på 4:an.


    Bästa Twilightvideo ever!!

    Hittade denna på Så sjukt sorglig. Fick gåshud av den...

    cover my eyes, cover my ears, tell me these words are a lie...

    Rob dejta Rihanna??

    På myparkmag har dom haft en liten omröstning om vilken kändis som Rob borde dejta. 54% tyckte Rihanna, 23% tyckte Miley Cyrus (!?) och 15% tyckte Vanessa Hudgens..Jag undrar vem som röstat, haha...

    På samma hemsida har dom en artikel om att Rob längtar efter att få dumpa Kristen i New Moon.

    "Robert Pattinson can't wait to dump Kristen Stewart in his next movie.

    The actor is set to reprise his 'Twilight' role of vampire Edward Cullen opposite Kristen's Bella in 'New Moon' and admits he is excited about filming the scenes where he ends their relationship.

    When asked what he is looking forward to about the sequel, Robert replied: "The scene where we temporarily break up. On one hand, it's completely impossible. And on the other, it sets a very different tone to the series. I think it will be good."

    The British star also spoke about working with a new director, Chris Weitz, on 'New Moon', saying he is expecting an "impressive" end result.

    He added to MTelevision: "I think there's going to be some continuity, but it's weird, because they are shooting it in a different city than the first film. I've talked to Chris a bit, but we've only talked about my character; I haven't really talked about the whole look of it. But Chris is great with visual stuff, so it should be pretty impressive."


    Kristen kommer att presenter en Oscar..

    ..När det är en bra film, inte en som bara drar in en massa pengar. Detta enligt hennes pappa, John Stewart som på Oscarsgalan sa det till reportern Billy Bush när han frågade varför Kristen inte presenterade.
    Kanske inte världens mest genomtänkta uttalande, eller vad säger ni...?

    Vogue intervju med Stephenie

    Lägger inte upp hela intervjun för den är ganska lång... Men läs resten här.

    "She may prefer to write late at night while her family sleeps, but for the record, there is not a lot about Stephenie Meyer, author of the better-than-best-selling Twilight series, that screams vampire. Yes, she has long dark hair and earthy brown eyes, casually highlighted this afternoon at her home in Arizona by a black Banana Republic cashmere sweater and jeans, but she lacks the arrogance associated with vampireness. Her vibe is homey; she sits you down on her living-room couch, one leg curled up under her, and starts talking as if you had been in the midst of conversation for years. She's surrounded by her sons' toys, games, and compasses (her husband is a Cubmaster), as well as her work-her office is in the front hall. There are family photos and a few paintings of the Washington coast, where Twilight takes place. The Phoenix neighborhood where she lives, a kind of desert suburb, is the opposite of the Washington coast, and lately she and her husband have been taking their three boys (ages six, eight, and eleven) on vacation to the Seattle area once in a while, to see green. "It's nice to show them that there are places where things are alive," she says."

    Kellan Lutz intervju har intervjuat Kellan som spelar Emmett Cullen i Twilight.

    What's it like being involved in such a successful movie such as Twilight, and what were your thoughts when you got the call for the part?

    I actually had no idea how huge of a phenomenon Twilight is. When I got the call, I figured I was just doing a vampire movie with one of my friends, Ashley, and I was so wrong. It's been a great experience working with such an amazing cast, and the love from the fans has been very memorable. There have been times that I've gotten teary-eyed at the love I've received, it's indescribable. The fans made this book series and movie the success they are, we wouldn't be where we are without them.

    Läs hela intevjun här.

    Vanessa Hudgens...

    Is "High School Musical" starlet Vanessa Hudgens already signed on to star as Leah Clearwater in the "Twilight sequel," "New Moon?" At last night's Oscars, "Extra's" Mario Lopez cleared up the rumors when he caught up with Hudgens on the red carpet.

    Hudgens declared, "It's still a rumor. I'm really interested, I think it's a great project but nothing's happening as of now." When asked if she's a fan of the movie, Hudgens responded, "Yes love it. My sister has read all of the books, too."

    Varulv?? Nej tack!

    Kristen på omslaget till "Nylon"

    Though she'd caught our eye with her piercing turn with Emile Hirsch in Into the Wild last year, it was her Twilight role as Bella Swann, the mortal love of a "vegetarian" vampire named Edward Cullen (a phrase now synonymous in America with "hot, unattainable soul mate") that showed she was ready for her NYLON cover turn.  Apparently, Superbad director Greg Mottola agrees - he's cast Kristen opposite Jesse Eisenberg in his new flick Adventureland.

    Here's what Kristen told us about her new life as a bonafide, tabloid-chased celebrity.  Read the new issue of NYLON for even more about the world of a Hollywood veteran, but a very new movie star.

    On the Twilight Madness:  "Anywhere we'd go for Twilight was a psychotic situation. The sound was deafening, and it's thoughtless, as well... You get a slew of all these bullshit questions like, ‘What's it like to kiss a vampire?' and ‘How much do you love Robert?' Then you'll get one that's actually real, but you're like, ‘No, I can't right now, I can't even consider [it]."

    On her memorable David Letterman appearance:  "I feel like I have nothing to say on those shows... I'm not good at the funny thing-most people are really great on those shows.  I don't have a contrived personality that [I can] just pump out [for] a five-minute segment, so I end up sitting there and looking kind of baffled.  Embarassing."

    And no, she's not dating Robert Pattinson. "It's just totally false... Rob and I are good friends.  We went through a lot together, so we feel very close.  But if we go out in public, every little detail is scrutinized, like the way I stand next to him.  And it's like, I know this guy really f*cking well [laughs].  It's only natural that we're sort of leaning on each other, because we're put in the most f*cking psychotic situations."

    On who she's actually dating: "He's older than me-he's 20 now-but when you're 13 and he's turning 16, it was always sort of an out-of-reach thing.  Then you get a little older, and you realize, ‘Oh, What the f*ck am I thinking?  I can have you, like, lickity...'" she snaps her fingers, laughing.  "He's awesome."


    Ashley om NM manuset

    Only "Extra" joined "Twilight's" Ashley Greene at Las Vegas' Prive Nightclub inside Planet Hollywood as she celebrated her 22nd birthday... and dished about this year's most anticipated sequel, "New Moon!"

    "I'm so excited. I finally, finally got the script... and it's good," she revealed. "It's really good... I'm really excited to work with Chris [Wentz, director]. I finally spoke to him the other day." She added, "I like it better than the first one. I might be biased because I have a bigger part."

    As for "90210" star AnnaLynne McCord joining the cast, Greene said, "AnnaLynne is actually a friend of mine, so I have heard about her being cast. There are a lot of rumors, but that one holds a little bit of weight... I hope so. She's a great girl."

    When asked how the success of "Twilight" has affected Greene, she said, "It's nice for me because as Alice, a lot of people don't recognize me because my hair is longer and everything's a little different so it's kind of slowly happening. Versus poor Rob [Pattinson], who went from nobody knowing him to everything being documented." Revealing the weirdest fan request she's received, Greene said, "I finally got asked to bite someone at a convention."

    Although the paparazzi have yet to catch up with Greene, she admitted, "I have no social life... right now it's my career... it's very, very difficult to have a boyfriend." What does she look for in that special someone? "Someone that I can completely be myself around... Someone that gets along with my friends... if they don't get along with my friends, that's it, it's done."

    "New Moon" will take a bite out of theaters in November 2009.

    Gör dina egna countdowns

    Japp, gör dina egna countdowns till vad som helst här.

    Bilder på Cullens i gamla kläder


    Sjukt fina bilder. Dom är tagna när dom spelade in scenen när Jacob berättar för Bella om dom gamla legenderna. Nikkis kläder är skitfina :)

    Ny intervju med Stephenie Meyer

    Paris Match: How do you explain "Twilight" success?

    Stephenie Meyer: It is more and more mysterious, but it's deeply moving. When I started writing, the Vampire's theme was a pretty strange subject. I did not think to write a novel about it. Then I was intrigued by the characters, by the story. I could not stop playing with them, to let them evolve. When I realized that it was going to be published, I imagined a saga of 4 books. In the meantime, people had already put their hands on the first book...

    How did you create Edward Cullen's character?

    It's Edward who forced me to write. It's a gift of my subconscious. I had a dream, that I put on paper when I woke up. Edward was in it. I did not need to invent him, I knew him. It was more difficult with Bella, the saga's heroine. It was harder to understand and define her.

    Did Vampire' stories belong to your childhood?

    Not at all! Since childhood my favourite writer was Jane Austen. At that time, Internet did not exist, nor Game Boy. Reading was the perfect escape. I did not think of becoming a writer.

    Who gave you the taste of writing?

    My parents. My father used to read us some stories at night. He always stopped reading when suspense was at its high. It must have touched me somehow... I looked like I was sleeping, and then I went and pick up the book to continue reading. And the bigger is the book, the more you can read. That is the way I become addicted to books. I could read 3 or 4 books a week. Then starting writing became natural. My biggest career sacrifice is that sadly I cannot read as much as before.

    Where does this love for fantasy fiction come from?

    From Orson Scott Card. His fantasy novel are so real... He writes about events that can never happen, his aliens are alive and in real situations. They react in a real way. You may think that it can happen, and exactly in that way. That was my goal with "Twilight": have a fantasy world in real life. If I came up with a vampire story is only because of the dream I told you about. Until then, I never thought about it.

    Teenagers are so fascinated by "Twilight"...

    Yes. Thanks to the books, lots of teenagers got into a bookstore and started reading. It is the greatest reward...

    Is a continuation possible?

    I do not know yet. There are so many ways to explore, the characters can still evolve. I think Bella has a bright future... But I am not working on it at the moment. I need to leave my vampires alone, before starting over. I wrote other stories, I have other ideas. And if I want to see Eward and Bella again , I will go and bother them!

    Do you still have time to write?

    No, because the movie took lots of my time. I was not there during the shooting, but I had my saying on the art decisions, the actors, the artwork, and even the music. When I found out that Robert Pattinson was given Eward's role, it was a terrible moment for me. Eward existed in my head, he had a face, a smile. I was really skeptical. But when I saw him, I was immediately conquered. I can understand why girls are so attracted by him... Robert Pattinson has done a terrific and impressive job. He his exactly how I imagined Edward.

    What do you think of the comparison with J.K. Rowling?

    We can compare a lake to an ocean: they are both filled with water, but they are not the same thing. I am a fan of her books. Even if mine are sold in a phenomenal way, there will not be another J.K. Rowling. Of course I am flattered when it is mentioned, but that's it.

    How do you live your celebrity?

    I do not know really. I used to live without being recognized. When I am stopped on the road, I am always shocked. People are always very kind. Some mothers come and see me telling me that they have read "Twilight" with their daughters. That they are closer now. I think it's exciting to provoke this kind of situation.

    It could be the plot for a new novel, by the way.

    No I will continue with the fantasy world. I need to dream, to imagine. I am not sure the real world is that fascinating. Full stop!  

    Robert Pattinson interjvu på röda mattan

    MTV intervjuar Robert på röda mattan och självklart frågar dom om New Moon!

    Robert och Amanda Seyfried, från Mamma Mia!


    S.Darko trailer

    Den officiella trailern för S.Darko, med Jackson Rathbone har nu släppts. Check this out!

    New Moon countdown 3

    Får snart göra en egen kategori till dessa :) Här har ni iallafall ännu en nedräknare till New Moon premiären.

    Ingen Rob på röda mattan??

    "Photographers at the Film Independent Spirit Awards are grousing that A-list Oscar presenters and performers are being asked NOT to walk the red carpet tomorrow.

    Something about the special stars sneaking into the Kodak Theatre through a basement entrance....

    What? WHY? And how will we find out what they're wearing, for crying out loud?
    The reason may be to steal ratings from those way-too-exciting Oscar arrivals pre-shows. And to force viewers to actually watch the darn three-hour show to see their favorite stars, of course."

    Okej, detta suger. Den enda anledningen varför man över huvud taget tänkte kolla på Oscars galan har precis försvunnit...

    little Ashes premiär flyttad

    Roberts film Little Ashes premiärdatum har blivit flyttat. Först var det tänkt att den skulle ha premiär den 27 mars, men har nu alltså blivit flyttad till den 8 maj. Den 27 mars har ju som bekant Kristen Stewarts film Adventureland premiär.

    "It was going to be fun, the little competition with the two films," says the Ashes source. "But this gives everyone time to really give Ashes the attention it needs."

    Rachelle LeFevre om New Moon rykten

    Rachelle, som spelar Victoria, har snackat om New Moon rykten med Access Hollywood.

    Om Vanessa Hudgens som Leah Clearwater: I've heard she was in... then out.. and now maybe back in again...

    Om Madonna i soundtracket: I've heard that one too. And if I saw her, I'd march right up to her and shake her and say, ‘We're in the same project!'

    Hon säger också att hon precis börjat träna för "the wire work stunts" i New Moon. Hon berättade också att hon gör ett nytt träningsprogram, som bara finns i Hollywood som heter "GST"

    Läs hela artikeln här.

    Ingen AnnaLynne McCord i New Moon?

    AnnaLynne var tänkt att spela Heidi, en vampyr som jobbar inom Volturi med att skaffa mat utanför Volterra, eftersom man inte får jaga inom stadsgränen. Men nu kanske det inte blir så...

    AnnaLynne McCord, who was slated to play the receptionist to the Volturi vampires in Rome, Heidi, tells OK! she's no  longer going to be in that role.

    "I am so disappointed but it doesn't look like it is going to happen with my schedule," she revealed to OK! at the L.A. premiere of Fired Up on Feb. 19.

    Fans of the 90210 star might still have some hope, as she adds, "But keep your fingers crossed for me. I hope that it still does!"

      Vad tycker ni? Passar hon bra som Heidi??

    Eclipse releasdatum 30 juni 2010!!!

    EXCLUSIVE: I've confirmed there's no director hired yet. And the two productions won't be back-to-back. But that hasn't stopped Summit Entertainment from newly scheduling its Twilight threequel for release on June 30, 2010, not long after its Twilight sequel New Moon set for November 20th this year now being helmed by Chris Weitz. Summit also officially changed the name of its vampire movie franchise based on Stephenie Meyer's bestselling series of novels to The Twilight Saga. Here's how Summit descibes the plot of the threequel Eclipse:

    "As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob - knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death."

    Bästa nyheten på hela året om ni frågar mig!!

    Grattis Ashley Greene

    Eftersom jag hade tänkt ha sovmorgon imorgon så gör jag detta inlägget nu...
    Om ca 2 1/2 timme (svensk tid) fyller Ashley Greene, Alice, 22 år, Grattis :)
    Innan hon var med i Twilight har hon gjort bland annat King of California, Desire och Punk'd. Nu förbreder hon sig troligtvis för New Moon, men tidigare i år spelade hon in en film, Warriors, tillsammans med Kellan Lutz, som spelar Emmett i Twilight.


    Robert Pattinson hatar Cedric Diggory

    Gillade ni Rob som Cedric i Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? Det gjort tydligen inte Rob... Han säger att  han gillade att spela honom men att han avskydde sånna personer när han gick i skolan :)

    I hope I'm not that close to my character. I hate him.

    I used to hate everybody like Cedric (Diggory) in my school.

    Rob found acting on the Harry Potter set quite stressful.

    He added: "On Harry Potter I was so consciously of the fact that I didn't know what I was doing.

    "I used to sit on the side of the set throwing up."


    New Moon Countdown 2

    Ännu en nedräknare till New Moon, nu med loggan som finns på bild längre ner. Vad tycker ni om denna?? Finare än dom andra?? Jag tycker detta är den snyggaste hittills :)

    "Need" for New Moon??

    Hana Pestle heter en tjej som försöker få sin låt "Need" in till New Moon soundtracket. Vad tycker ni?? Se hennes MySpace här.

    Need- Hana Pestle

    i'm not quite sure how to breathe
    without you here
    i'm not quite sure if I'm ready to say goodbye
    to all we were

    be with me
    stay with me
    just for now
    let the time decide when i won't need you

    my hand searches for your hand
    in a dark room
    i can't find you
    help me
    are you looking for me

    can i feel any more
    lie to me, i'm fading
    i can't drop you
    tell me i don't need you

    my hand searches for your hand
    in a dark room
    i can't find you
    help me
    are you looking for me

    etch this into my brain for me
    tell me how its supposed to be
    where everything will go
    and how i'll be without you by my side

    my hand searches for your hand
    in a dark room
    i can't find you
    help me
    are you looking for me


    Twilight i "Frida" (bilderna)

    Okej, här kommer bilderna från senaste Frida, jag vet att det inte är så bra kvalité men det får duga.

    Framsidan, om ni skulle få för er att köpa den..

    Längta till nästa nummer.. ;)

    Panic Room på dr1

    Panic Room, med Kristen Stewart, går på DR1 kl 22.35 ikväll. Inte missa ;)

    Kristen Stewart intervju har postat en översättning av en intervju med Kristen och Rob i Seventeen Magazine Mexico.


    A lot of girls all over the world have fallen in love with Twilight.

    Yes, it's a story that can grab you easily because it has a magnetism that makes you become obssessed with it. It makes you want to read the whole thing and you're not happy until you're done with the last page.

    When you were reading the books, was there a scene that you looked forward to filming?
    Yes, I imagined the whole scene when Bella learns the truth about Edward. The whole plot is about struggling. Struggling to find out more about him, struggling to make him know that Bella knows what he is and she doesn't mind. When he finally reveals himself it's a really cool thing because he's afraid to show himself as what he really is. And I loved how they comunicated without words. I think it's the best scene.

    What kind of person is Bella?
    I like her weakness. That's my favorite thing about her because she presents herself as the victim, the damsel in distress and that's what the whole relationship is about. The dynamic is fun, he's a vampire and he could drain all her blood, but she's not affraid of him.

    Can you relate with her?
    She's a typical girl. I relate to her because of her personal strength. She has her convictions very defined, so when she believes in something she defends it.

    Where you affraid of filming this movie?
    No (laughs), there were tons of people watching. I experiences a lot of strong emotions with the story so I had a very weird energy the whole day. I was drained by the end of the day.

    You're acting the whole time as though you were affraid, is that a hard thing to do?
    Yes, it's a lot of work. It was funny because we filmed the final scene of the movie first. The climax of the whole movie! It's everything that happens in the ballet studio in the end where she realizes that she's in danger and her whole world crumbles down.

    This movie could be really important for your career, did anyone give you special advice?
    I know. When you start to work on a new movie you start to imagine that it'll do great and you'll have more recognition from the public, people start recognizing you more, they remember your face, your name. I thought that I was going to be okay and I tried not think too much about it. Nobody prepared me for it.

    Who would you have chosen? The good guy or the bad guy?
    (laughs) Well, if I had to choose between the characters of the movie, I would choose Edward because I know he wouldn't hurt me.

    Why do you think vampires are so sexy?
    I think they're classic. They're made to draw you in so you'll fall on their claws, and when they get you, they'll bite you. You let yourself be wrapped by their charms, they're like the forbidden fruit.

    What would you do if you found a vampire?
    I would try to be careful of what I think, because they can read minds.

    Could you fall in love with one?
    That would be weird. They create a magical chemical reaction. There's a curiosity for them that doesn't exist, it's not real.

    So you don't believe in love at first sight?
    That's not what I said! (laughs).

    You're a teenager but you're very mature for your age.
    I've always had a sense of responsability with myself and I think that's a part of feeling like an adult.

    Robert Pattinson

    Where you intrigued by vampires?
    Not really. I think it's weird the obssession some people have with them. I only read Dracula when I was filming the movie.

    How do you feel about having so many girls following you around?
    It's scary because it's something that it hadn't happened to me before. Twilight fans are very loyal to the book and to Stephenie Meyer. I had a 100% negative reaction from fans when I got the role of Edward.

    For everything. Edward is some sort of perfect creature, the ideal guy. And fans wanted a guy like Leonardo DiCaprio, but Edward is suppossed to be 17. When I met Stephenie Meyer, she aproved me for the character and literally the next day all the fans changed their minds and accepted me.

    It must be hard trying to be so perfect.
    It is. First I read the book and I thought there was no way that I could play and create all those perfect descriptions of Edward. Nobody in the world could have rbought to life someone so awesome. Then I read the script and auditioned with Kristen, and she acted in a very unexpected way. She gave strength to Bella so that made Edward's character a little bit more weak, and I took it from there. He, being some kind of demon, is completely taken with her. She dominates him.

    How do you feel about being in such a blockbuster hit like Harry Potter and now in Twilight?
    To be honest, I never thought of this when I got the role. Harry Potter was my first chance of reaching an audience and now this movie has become very successful too. It was very unexpected.

    Have you been harder on yourself, since you're playing such a perfect character?
    Not really. I didn' try to be perfect, I based him off on celebrities like James Dean, people with an endless charm. In this movie he's very chivalrous, but I tried to make him sexier in the movie. I used the fact that I'm a vampire, I want people to think I'm mysterious and dangerous at the same time.

    Do you think you've become a paparazzi target?
    Yes, literally. It's so weird.

    So they recognize you more now?
    Yes, I don't know if it's because I have this annoying hair. Actually I need to cut my hair, everybody knows who I am based on my hair, but they don't even know my name.

    Do you have your hair that long for a reason?
    We're shooting New Moon soon. I'd love to get a buzz cut but I'm not sure. Plus, if I audition for something there will be people wanting to see some longer hair.

    How did you get into acting?
    I've never went to acting school. One day my dad was at a restaurant and he saw a bunch of pretty girls, so he asked them where were they goin to and they said Teater club, so my dad told me I had to go there. It was so embarrassing.

    How did you get to Hollywood?
    I looked for a manager after Harry Potter. Last year I was in a movie in which I played Salvador Dalí and I took it very seriously. When I came back to London I wanted to do something else, I auditioned and three days later I was hired for Twilight.

    What were your dreams before you got into acting?
    I wanted to be a pianist and play in London pubs.

    There's a song by you in the soundtrack, are you planning on releasing an album?
    I'm not releasing an album, that would be too much!

    Is there an actor that you look up to?
    I've always been obssesed with Jack Nicholson. But I prefer 70's movies and I like James Dean's style, he's amazing.

    New Moon loggan

    Första titten på New Moon loggan. Vad tycker ni??

    "As for the logo itself, Weitz has chosen to stay with the lowercase lettering, personable font and light-streaks-poking-through look of last year's hit film. In switching from blue to orange, the movie's upcoming posters will be instantly distinguishable from those of the original "Twilight" - which should make them look a whole lot cooler when teenage girls all over the world add them to their walls. The presence of orange also begs a new question: Now that blue and orange are taken, which colors should be used for "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn?"

    7 New Moon secrets

    OK Magazine har skrivit något om 7 New moon hemligheter, här har vi dom:

    #1: No Narnia in New Moon

    Despite speculation that British actor Ben Barnes, last seen as Prince Caspian in the Narnia movies, would play Aro, the sinister leader of the vampire world, his L.A.-based agent, Nick Reed, sets the record straight: "Although Ben has enjoyed much of the speculation, we haven't had any calls. There's no truth to it."

    #2: Bella's Boy On Set

    Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan, will crush the rumors of romance with Robert Pattinson by keeping four-year-love Michael Angarano close. "Her boyfriend will come to visit her on set," an insider tells OK!.

    #3: The Best is Still Unwritten

    With filming just weeks away, the cast (with many roles still undecided) haven't seen their lines! "I am waiting to get my hands on the script. I am looking forward to getting to work!" Justin Chon, who played Bella's onetime suitor in Twilight, Eric Yorkie, tells OK!.

    #4: 90210 Stars Sign Up

    AnnaLynne McCord will sink her teeth into the role of Heidi. Gal pal to Emmett Cullen, aka Kellan Lutz, she says, "I'm so obsessed with vampires!" 90210 actor Brandon Michael Vayda will play Jared the werewolf.

    #5: Paramore is Back on Track

    Rockers Paramore helped launch the Twilight soundtrack to No. 1 with their single "Decode." Now, sources tell OK! that the group is penning New Moon's title track. Meanwhile, RPattz, who contributed two songs to the first soundtrack, may sit this one out. "I really didn't want it to look like I was trying to cash in," says

    #6: Taylor: From Wuss to Wolf

    How did Taylor Lautner pack on 25 pounds of muscle to play Quileute tribe member and werewolf Jacob Black? "A diet high in carbs and protein," Mark Beier, personal training manager for Crunch in Chicago, tells OK!.

    #7: Dakota Goes Gothic

    The author describes the evil vampire Jane - who inflicts pain on blood-suckers by thought alone - as having a face that would make a Botticelli angel look like a gargoyle." And Dakota Fanning is a shoo-in for the part! The Push star tells OK!, "It would be a fantastic experience."


    Men det är nog bäst, precis som TwilightPoison sa, att vänta på dom officiella beskeden från Summit Entertainment.

    5 anledningar varför New Moon blir bättre är Twilight

  • New characters, new conflict: In New Moon, Bella and Edward's relationship has already been established. But like any relationship, the introduction of secondary conflict can play an important role on the dynamics of love. Without giving too much away, beyond Edward and Bella, the impact Jacob has on the story creates simultaneous conflict. Loyalties will be put to the test while the choices of right and wrong are pitted against those of want and need. Much like a second book in a trilogy, New Moon will cut to the chase in a way fans can already identify with via new character dynamics while delving deeper into the complexities of love.
  • Starlet in Shadows: Dakota Fanning?: With casting for New Moon in full swing, there's been much buzz surrounding the possible addition of a highly recognizable name in Hollywood for the role of Jane. Dakota Fanning, former child star turned critically acclaimed young movie star, is only 15 and yet Fanning has more experience in the industry than her possible New Moon co-stars combined.
  • Digging deeper in the name of love: The success of New Moon over Twilight lies in the ability of actors to inhabit their characters on a deeper level. What Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson bring to Bella and Edward for New Moon will require more than just reading lines from a page. Twilight showed us the magic of an inevitable love story and New Moon will continue the saga in a richer manner. It's the love story that will force Pattinson and Stewart to go deeper inside themselves as actors than they did in Twilight. Usually when people reach deep and go beyond their comfort zone, good things happen. In this case, it will all be in the name of love.The success of New Moon over Twilight lies in the ability of actors to inhabit their characters on a deeper level. What Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson bring to Bella and Edward for New Moon will require more than just reading lines from a page. Twilight showed us the magic of an inevitable love story and New Moon will continue the saga in a richer manner. It's the love story that will force Pattinson and Stewart to go deeper inside themselves as actors than they did in Twilight. Usually when people reach deep and go beyond their comfort zone, good things happen. In this case, it will all be in the name of love.
  • Setting the new mood: Although Twilight was filmed in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, mainly in Washington St. and Oregon, heading north to Vancouver, British Columbia can only benefit in a couple of ways. First, Vancouver is perfect for the tone and atmosphere of New Moon since it rains so much Robert Pattinson will feel at home among "Vampouverites." Although Washington, Oregon, and Vancouver all fit the franchise well, the dreary scenery in Twilight was able to set the tone of the novel, bringing to life the plight of the characters while creating a setting that befitted Edward and Bella's relationship both internally and externally. Vancouver will bring that in broody spades.
  • The Quileute Tribe and the Legend: The Quileute legend speaks of its people being descended from werewolves, with the lore based on real Quileute legends except for the introduced conflict with the vampires (or "cold ones" as Jacob describes them). With the arrival of the Cullens, legend and lore allow fans to journey deeper into the mythology and intricacies of New Moon's opposing forces. In other words, with such a profound back-story between werewolves and vampires, New Moon will explore more while connecting on a deeper level to Bella.

  • Jackson Rathbone

    Teen Mag frågade Jackson Rathbone, Jasper Hale, blanad annat om han gillade att förändra sitt utseende för Jasper.

    "I really enjoyed it. I was always a character actor when I was in theatre. I kind of find that it helps the audience, especially with Jasper.

    I mean I'm not actually blonde so I had to bleach my hair blonde. I'm fairly pale. I'm more of an indoor sports kind of guy.

    I'm a musician so I spent most of my time awake at night and in the recording studio tucked away from the sun.

    But I really do love to change appearances for a lot of the characters I play."

    Han har också sagt till Seventeen att han över väldigt beskyddnade över sin syster ;)

    "When it comes to my sisters' boyfriends, I'm either cool with them or my sisters know that I hate them. I'm pretty blunt with them and to the point.

    Back in high school, there were a couple of boys my sisters had and man, I let them know I didn't like them.

    I was pretty upfront but my dad always had it right. Whenever my sisters brought them over to the house for the first time, he'd be teaching me how to clean the shotguns."

    Haha, gulligt :)

    Peter Facinelli: We start filming i april

    Jaha, nu har vi fått en ny riktning om starten för inspelningen av New Moon. Peter Facinelli säger nämligen till Access Hollywood att dom börjar repetera om tre veckor och att dom börjar inspelningen i april. Innan har det ju sagts att dom skulle börja spela in i mars. Men nu får vi alltså vänta längre på dom första bilderna från inspelningen....

    Taylor Lautner om peruken

    Som vi alla vet så hade Taylor Lautner på sig en peruk i Twilight. Vad vi kanske inte visste var att han tyckte peruken var ivägen hela tiden :)

    "When I first heard that I was going to be wearing a wig I was really excited.

    "I was like "Cool, I have never worn a wig before, this is going to be fun change my look up a bit."

    "But then, after the first day of filming I was through with it. It was really itchy, it was always getting in my face! I'd be trying to eat lunch and it's in my mouth and, yeah, even when were filming the scenes and I'm talking and it's in my mouth and agh! It was quite the adventure with the wig."

    He won't be wearing the wig much in New Moon.

    Taylor explains: "The good news is when he (Jacob) transforms into a werewolf he cuts the long hair off, so I'd have regular hair."                                                                            ¨                                                                                                                        

    Så vilken är bäst, långhårig eller korthårig??


    How to be a vampire in New York City

    Hittade detta på En guide i hur man ska leva sitt liv som vampyr i New York. Dom har också med klipp från olika vampy filmer, bland annat typ hela Noferatu filmen från 1922, ett klipp från True  Blood, Låt den rätte komma in och så klart Twilight.
    Läs hela här.

    Trailer: How to be

    Som ni kanske visste så har Robert varit med i en film som heter How To Be. Trailern är jätte rolig och han påminner mig jättemycket om Ashton Kutcher när han säger: well, I'm not totaly happy with this.

    Rykte: Madonna i New Moon

    According to Ryan on E! News, Madonna will be involved in the sequel to "Twilight" which the second movie will be made on the second book of the "Twilight Saga", "New Moon". Guy Oseary is the executive producer to the movie starring Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart.
    It is unknown to whether Madonna will either act in the second installment to the saga film or sing for the soundtrack or both.
    Gaycrest also said it's most likely she'll both appear in the film and do the soundtrack.

    Erhm, Okeeeeej...

    Taylor och Rob i nya "Frida"

    Mer Twilight i Frida. Tjoho!! En liten artikel om att Taylor lagt på sig 13 kilo för att ha kvar rollen som Jacob. En artikel som heter Import/Export. Ut med Robert Wells, in med Robert Pattinson :)
    Och sen nästa nummer: Hunkduell: vem av vampyrerna är hetast? (bild på Rob och Cam Gigandet, James)

    Längta till nästa numer...

    Det nya numret kommer i butik den 19 februari. Laddar upp bilder imorgon, orkar inte nu...

    Alice Cullen action figur

    Första bilderna på Alice Cullens action figur har kommit. Jättesöt, fast inte lika söt som Edwards docka xD

    If ‘Twilight' is a hit, what would be the coolest thing about being in a blockbuster?"

    Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen): I want an action figure. An action figure would be really, really cool.

    Ashley och Taylor intervju har två intervjuer med Ashley Greene och Taylor Lautner.

    As a guy, were you like psyched about prom or did you not really care either way if you went?

    (Taylor) No, I was excited, I was really excited. You always watch a prom in movies growing up, and then it's like, "Oh, wow, I'm at prom!" It was a cool experience. But, yeah, I tried to stay in school as long as I could. I went to a public school my whole life until this year. I'm doing a TV show on NBC ["My Own Worst Enemy"], so I would just be missing too much [school], so I tested out of high school and now I'm in college.                 
    Läs hela här.

    Did you go to your prom?

    (Ashley) I didn't go to my own senior prom but I went to the prom of my boyfriend at the time. My high school sweetheart, I went to his senior prom. That was really fun.              
    Läs hela här.

    Bekräftat: Robert ska presentera en Oscar!!!!!

    After being the first outlet to reoprt that M.I.A. had delivered her baby and would not be performing at this year's 81st Academy Awards, HitFix can now exclusively confirm that Robert Pattinson will be presenting an award during this year's telecast.

    Still unclear is whether Pattinson's "Twilight" co-star Kristen Stewart will also appear on the telecast and what award he will specifically present.  And, obviously, speculation will now run rampant on who Pattinson's date down the red carpet will be.
    Läs hela artikeln här.

    Synd att man inte har kanal 9, för det är tydligen där det kommer sändas.

    Robert och Taylor hos Tyra

    Jag vet inte när detta var, men jag var faktiskt tvungen att lägga upp detta. Robert och Taylor hos Tyra Banks, hur kul kan det bli?? Skitkul! Haha, han biter henne *avundsjuk*

    Kolla in andra delen också, tjejerna blir helt hysteriska. Och hon i rosa vinner Edward bilen. Världen är sjukt orättvis xD

    Twilight kudde på ebay

    Har du alltid velat ha en Twilight kudde?? Nu kan din dröm kanske gå i uppfyllelse. På ebay är det nämligen någon som säljer en kudde med The Cullen Crest. Den är ungefär 37x44 cm.
    Läs hela annonsen här.

    Grattis Sarah Clarke

    Idag fyller Sarah Clarke, som spelar Renee, 37 år. Grattis till dig. Innan hon fick rollen som Renee har hon bland annat medverkat i Tretton, tillsammans med Catherine Hardwick och NIkki Reed, ett avsnitt av Sex and the city och en tv- serie som heter 24.

    Robert klipp från little Ashes

    Haha, detta är askul. Bara älskar hans blick i slutet. Och dansen, haha, bara måste se filmen xD

    Taylor Lautner soundbite

    Såg på att det finns 19 olika soundbites med skådespelarna, Stephenie Meyer och Catherine Hardwick på youtube. Så jag kollade på några och tyckte att Taylors va skitrolig. Kolla 1.04 när han tar bak sitt hår, det ser så himla gulligt ut, haha.

    Kolla även på Robert Pattinsons soundbite och lägg märke till tröjan som har EC typ broderat. Den vill jag ha xD
    Se alla soundbites här.

    Edi och Taylor sjunger Miley Cyrus...

    Haha, under en interju med Taylor Lautner, Edi Gathegi och Rachelle Lefevre blev Taylor och Edi ombedda att sjunga Miley Cyrus låt "see you again". Dom hade tydligen gått runt och sjungit den väldigt mycket.
    Såå, enjoy xD

    Mina händer på Twilight omslaget

    Tänk er at kunna säga det. Kimbra Hickeys kan göra det. Det är nämligen hon som är handmodel på omslaget till Twilight.

    Taylor och Robert- Alla hjärtans dag

    Taylor Lautner tells Popstar! Magazine that on that day he usually buys roses to be given to people who are close to him. "Roses for mom, roses for everybody! I'm a rosy kind of guy!" he says.

    Besides, he also likes "to do cards." About that he claims, "I rarely go out and buy cards from a store. I hand-make them. They're not superfantastic, but I'll hand-make them and I get a little artsy and burn the edges and stuff and make it look cool!"

    Och sen har vi då Rob som här önskar sin hund, Paty, en bra Alla Hjärtans Dag.

    Peter intervju

    Peter och Hans fru Jennie Garth hos Chelsea Lately. Snackas väldigt lite om Twilight, handlar mest om Jennie armhålor xD Men den är ganska rolig.

    Robert Pattinson om Pengar, New Moon, Fans och skådespelar lektioner

    På hittade jag en massa artiklar om Robert. Han säger bland annat att han tog skådespelar lektioner efter Goblet of Fire och att han mår dåligt av att fans väntar i flera timmar för att få träffa honom i 5 sekunder.

    Pengar och New Moon
    Skådespelar lektioner
    Vill bli ignorerad
    vill bli författare
    Rob och Kristen vill inte vara skådespelare för alltid

    New Moon countdown

    Hilary Duff vill vara med i New Moon

    Hilary Duff har tydligen sagt till Peter Facinelli att hon verkligen vill vara med i New Moon.

    "Hilary told Peter how bad she wants to be in the next Twilight movie. Hilary said that she would want to be one of the vampires in the movie."She was also heard saying "like, it would be so cool, to like, be a vampire, and stuff. "

    Erhm, jag har du inte riktigt kommit på någon vampyr som Hilary Duff skulle kunna spela...

    Twilight: Behind the scenes Parody

    Hittade detta på YouTube, en parodi av Twilight. En av dom roligast paodierna jag någonsin sett :D Så sjukt rolig!

    Catherine Hardwick: I was devastated

    Ny information har kommit om varför Catherine Hardwick inte vill regissera New Moon.

    "I really did feel a strong connection to the people around the world that liked the movie - and to Stephenie and the actors. But I just didn't think I could make a good movie under those circumstances."

    Läs hela artikeln här.

    AnnaLynne McCord nära att spela Rosalie

    AnnaLynne McCord har nu avslöjat att hon blev tillfrågad om att spela Rosalie i Twilight. Ganska bra att det inte blev hon, för Nikki Reed är perfekt som Rose ;)

    "They wanted me to play Rosalie," she recalled. "I met with the producers when ‘Twilight' was casting, the original. I was on ‘Nip/Tuck' at the time. And they were like, ‘We'd love to have you in this little film we're doing called ‘Twilight,' but the family only has small roles.' They were like, ‘It shoots in Oregon, so you probably couldn't do it anyway.' And I was like, ‘If it shot [in L.A.] that would be cool."

    "Then this little film ‘Twilight' blows up, crazy," she laughed, enjoying her seemingly predestined participation in the franchise. "So, I came back in for a [recent 'New Moon'] meeting and was like, ‘Hey, remember me? I supported you way back when!' I'm like, ‘Let's do this!'"


    En månad kvar...

    Exakt en månad tills Så länge vi båda andas släpps. I can't wait! Några förslag om vad jag kan läsa tills dess??

    Jonas Brothers i New Moon soundtracket?

    Jonas Brothers har tydligen sagt att dom skulle vilja ha med en låt på NM soundtracket. Trots att dom inte har sett Twilight än.

    "I haven't seen it, but I have heard it's a great movie."

    Erhm, jaa. Jag tycker då att det INTE skulle passa att ha en Jonas Brothers låt i New Moon...

    AnnaLynne McCord pratar New Moon

    "My fingers are crossed though,I'm a fan of the books as are my 14 and 12 year old cousins who are obsessed, they would freak if I got it. And I just want to do a film with a small role during my hiatus and then just have the rest of the time off cause I need a break, I want to go to Europe!"  

    Vad tycker ni, skulle hon passa som Heidi??

    Grattis Taylor Lautner!

    Idag fyller Taylor Lautner, som spelar Jacob Black, 17 år.

    Shannon eller Shauna Baker som Emily?

    Båda två gjorde en audition för "Emily" och båda två har fått en kallelse tillbaka.

    "Both my sister and I auditioned for it and we both got call backs. Hopefully one of us gets the part."

    Dom har också varit med i Tyra Banks talkshow och pratat om diskriminering i Hollywood.


    Såg precis en video med några av Twilight skådespelarna och den är sjukt rolig. Hon som intervjuad måste ha typ hjärnsläpp elr något ;D

    Intervju med Sarah Clarke + massa bilder

    TV Guide har intervjuat Sarah Clarke som spelar Renee. Are you on board for the Twilight sequel, New Moon?
    Clarke: You know, they still haven't told me. They're being so secretive about it. They know I'm doing press for Trust Me, so they haven't told me anything yet. I think they don't want anything to get out. Have you read ahead with the other books to see what Bella's mom gets to do?
    Clarke: I have, and I know I'm involved, but the mother is such a strange role, I have to say. My instincts as a mother would never jibe with half the things Renee does. We'd be worried if they did!
    Clarke: Even with the first book, I remember reading that the mother was always on the phone, whining. What's interesting in that? Luckily, Catherine [Hardwicke, who also wrote and directed Thirteen] gave me a lot more fun things to do, and gave us a real relationship. So that's the big question for the second book, where again the mother is relegated to the phone. I don't know if they'll stay true to that. If you as a teenager had to choose between a vampire boy and a werewolf, which way do you think you'd lean?
    Clarke: Oh, I'd definitely go vampire. Werewolves are too hairy.

    Sen har vi nya bilder på Kellan Lutz, se dom här, och på Taylor Lautner, Cam Gigandet och Rachelle Lefevre, se dom här.

    The Cullen House

    Läs en intervju med arkitekten Jeff Kovel som ritade Cullen huset. Tryck här för att läsa artikeln, intervjun och se resten av bilderna.

    Mer folk än väntat på NM casting call i Vancouver

    Väldigt många fans och skådespelare kom på New Moon's casting call i Vancouver. Så många att man var tvungna att skicka hem hundratals besvikna fans, utan att dom en fått en audition.

    "This is more than we expected," said Bim Narine, a casting assistant at Vancouver's Aikins/Cossey. "It's definitely a good turnout."

    När medelandet att inga fler auditions skulle göras kom det tårar från många håll.

    "It sucks,I was here since 9 a.m. I came up from Seattle."
    "Take ten more people from out the door!" "Please let me try!"

    Det har även varit auditions i Phoenix, om ni vill läsa mer om dessa, så tryck här.

    Och enligt Solomon Trimble har varken han eller Krys Embry blivit kontaktade om att spela sina roller i New Moon. Koa Orquia har på sin MySpace sida publicerat en en mejlväxling mellan honom och Solomon.Läs den här.

    Twilight dockor

    Naaw, dom är skitsöta. Haha, och "Edward" har sitt Cullen Crest armband.

    Nikki Reed

    Nikki har intervjuats av 944 Magazine's Young Hollywood issue.

    On co-star and friend, RPattz
    : "I respect him a lot. He's a fascinating, multi-talented human being."

    On her old-school celebrity crushes
    : "Pre-surgery Michael Jackson, Gregory Peck and Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid."

    On how she feels about blood
    : "I don't know if I would ever drink blood, but I certainly love an uncooked steak."

    Robert Pattinson- 17 frågor

    Hittade en väääldigt gammal intervju med Robert, men jag tyckte den var ganska rolig :D

    1. When was your first kiss?

    2. Who's your celebrity crush?
    Kristen Stewart (his Twilight costar!)

    3. What's a girl fashion trend that confuses you?
    Ugg boots!

    4. What's the girly movie you secretly love?
    Pippi Longstocking.

    5. What's your TV guilty pleasure?
    American Idol and X Factor (the British version of Idol).

    6. Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
    I'd play it because I probably won't be employed after this.

    7. What's your dream job?
    Being a pianist.

    8. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
    Someone who has lots of respect or power. George Bush, possibly.

    9. Who in your family are you closest to?
    My dog, Patty.

    10. What's your favorite Website?

    11. What's the fast food you can't live without?
    I like all fast food, but my favorite is probably In-N-Out Burger.

    12. What's your worst habit?
    Speaking too much.

    13. What's the last song you listened to on your iPod?
    I don't remember the exact song, but it was something James Brown from the Black Caesar sound track.

    14. What's the last thing you bought?
    Toilet paper.

    15. What did you dream about last night?
    Kristen [Stewart].

    16. How much money is in your wallet right now?
    Thousands of dollars.

    17. Fill in the blank: When I was 17, I was ____________.
    So much cooler because I knew less about myself.

    Breaking Dawn blir (förmodligen) film kan man nu läsa att Breaking Dawn förmodligen också kommer att blir film. Dom kommer isåfall inte börja inspelningen förrän 2010.

    "The production company has acquired the rights (optioned property) from Stephenie Meyer to film and distribute Breaking Dawn, the fourth novel in her series. However Breaking Dawn will not begin production until sometime in early 2010."


    Rösta på Twilight

    Twilight serien  har blivit nominerad till Favorite book i Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards.

    Böckerna som blivit nominerade är: 

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book
  • Harry Potter series
  • Twilight series

  • Det ska vi nog kunna klara, eller hur?Röstningen börjar den 2 mars. Läs mer här.


    If Twilight was 10 times shorter and 100 times more honest

    Det är säkert många av er som redan har läst den, men den är så rolig att jag måste skriva om den. Det är någon, som förmodligen fullkomligt avskyr Twilight som skrivit en förkortad verison och lagt till blider från filmen. Det är nog meningen att den ska vara negativ, men den är skitrolig. Några citat ur

    "Once upon a time, there lived an enchanting girl named Stephanie Meyer, er I mean Kristen Stewart. She was so awesome that her awesomeness couldn't be contained in Arizona, so she moved to Washington to stay with her father, who was totally lame and not cool."

    "Hey, your eyes are changing color from gorgeous to ultragorgeous. What's going on?"

    "Hmm. The only way I will believe you is if you carry me up a mountain using special effects from the 70s." (Tyvärr måste jag faktiskt hålla med här..)

    "That's right everyone, this whole movie is a two-hour-long setup for a joke about the Pacific Northwest."

    "Welcome to our ridiculously expensive home. I'm the father figure of this family because I'm the one who turned them all into vampires. There's something disturbing about the idea that I've only turned teenagers into vampires, but let's ignore that."

    Klicka här för att läsa hela.

    If Jacob Didn't Break The Rules

    Det roliga är (nästan) över, nu när snart alla böcker blivit översatta till svenska. Visst, vi har ju filmerna att se fram emot, men det är ju inte samma sak.
    Så då blir all information som inte finns i böckerna det roliga. Hur skulle det vara om Jacob inte bröt mot reglerna och berättade för Bella att han var en varulv. Det kan du läsa här. 

    Intervju och Photoshoot med Billy Burke

    TDink har intervjuat och fotot Billy Burke, som spelar Charlie Swan.

    "Do you feel like you relate to your character in Twilight?"

    "Sure, a little bit. I feel like you have to be able to find a thing or two in any character you play that you can identify with, even if those things are not necessarily admirable. The self-imposed distance Charlie keeps between himself and others, most unfortunately between he and his daughter, is an idiosyncrasy I had to cop to. It is what spoke to me most immediately as I was reading the script. I'm hoping my own newborn daughter will help me get past and grow out of that bullshit."

    Läs hela artikeln, och se fler bilder här.

    Igen Seth i NM?

    Koa Orquia, som har sökt en roll i New Moon, skriver( på sin mySpace blogg) att alla rykten om Solomon Trimble, Sam, är falska.

    "Solomon Trimble (Sam Uley) is seriously a cool kid.

    After conversing with him for an hour or so, I've learned a lot about him.

    All the rumors you've been hearing about Solomon Trimble not being casted as Sam because of his religious beliefs, are NOT true. Yes I believed those rumors too, but it was clarified in our conversation today that he would "Shave his eyebrows off" for the role again. And just so everyone knows, The rumor about him not wanting to cut his hair is false. He actually cut his hair recently."

    Sen har han även publicerat ett melj från The Casting Director för New Moon:

    "Hi Koa - I totally understand where you are coming from. At present, we do not have instructions to cast "Seth" for NEW MOON - but that does not mean that the role will not appear - just that he does not appear in the current draft of the script. These scripts evolve throughout pre-production...characters get added - characters disappear.... My advice to you would be to audition for one of the available characters in the "wolf pack" and at the end of your audition do a separate, brief interview on the tape, explaining to the filmmakers how the role of "Seth" has resonated with you and let them know that this is the role you are interested in... Now is the best time to really get "in the mix"... as, if you wait - the filmmakers may see someone else that they like and get attached to the idea of that actor for "Seth"... regardless of whether the character appears in NEW MOON or a future film. Does that seem reasonable? Let me know if you are still interested and I will send you the audition material when it's available."

    Top 100 Grossing Films of all time

    Twilight är på plats hundra, före Mamma Mia! dom två senaste Bond- filmerna och en mission Impossible. Alla Harry potter filmer ligger dock före Twilight.
    Du kan läsa mer om Twilights inkomster här, och se hela listan här.

    Boka Twilight kalendern

    Det går nu att boka Twilight kalendern på Det preliminära release datumet är i mars. Den är 31 cm hög och 28 cm bred. Läs mer och boka på här.

    HSM Lucas Grabeel är INTE Alec.

    Det har varit en hel del snack om vem som ska spela Janes bror Alec i New Moon. nu är det iallafall klart att det inte blir Lucas Grabeel. Tack Gode Gud säger jag. Vad säger ni. Jag personligen tycker att Tom Felton, känd som Draco Malfoy i Harry Potter filmerna skulle bli perfekt som Alec.
    Popstar frågade honom om ryktena och han svarade såhär: "Yeah, my girlfriend told me that the other day. I think that is funny, none of that is actually true. I have not auditioned and have not been approached."

    LePhant Magazine har också intervjuat, samt tagit några skitfina bilder av Christian Serratos, som spelar Angela Weber.

    "Tell me about your role on Twilight:

    I play Angela Weber and she goes to Forbes High and Bella Swan transfers to the school in Washington.  I'm a human and I help her deal with a new environment, new school, new friends.  I befriend her."
    Läs hela, och se resten av bilderna här.

    30 hottest dudes under 30

    13. Robert Pattinson, 22, gained some recognition as Cedric in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," but it was his role as Edward Cullen in the ridiculously successful flick "Twilight" that vaulted him into our Top 30. Vampires are hot.

    Han borde ha varit med på minst top 10.

    Fråga Jackson vad du vill

    Japp, fråga honom vad ni vill.

    Extra" is interviewing "Twilight" star Jackson Rathbone, and we want to hear from YOU! We'll be LIVE on the L.A. set of "Criminal Minds" where Jackson is filming an episode, and he'll be answering the questions you ask -- right here on!
    Läs mer här.

    Nytt soundtrack? skriver att den 17 mars kommer ett nytt soundtrack att släppas. Det sägs att den även kommer att innehålla en DVD, som ingen verkar veta innehållet på...

    Twilight:Directors Notebook går nu att förhandsboka på för 10.79 dollar.

    Det ryktas också att Annalynne McCord kommer att spela Heidi i New Moon. (Rykten säger också att hon dejtar Kellan Lutz)

    Intervju med Peter Facinelli har en intervju med Peter där han bl. a snackar om sin nya roll i Nurse Jackie, där han spelar Dr. Cooper.
    Läs hela här.

    Twilight: Director's Notebook ute den 17 mars

    Twilight: Director's handbook skriver av Cathrine Hardwick koller släppas den 17 mars. Den kommer innehålla "inside secrets on everything from casting to wardrobe along with personal notes from Catherine and behind-the-scenes photographs"
    har inte hittat någon hemsida där man kan förhandsbeställa.
    Entertainment Weekly har även på sin hemsida postat en artikel om detta, läs den här.

    Stephenie ger igen, elr nåt...

    Skrev ju igår att Stepen King kritiserat Meyers sätt att skriva på. Well, now she bites back.

    I just know I'm too much of a wuss for Stephen King's books," admits Stephenie Meyer, sweet-voiced author of Eclipse, the third book in her hugely successful "vampire love saga" for young adults. "I'm waaay too chicken to read horror."

    Det verkar verkligen som om hon vill ha något annat sagt med detta, hehe.

    Go Stephenie!

    New Moon filmas i Volterra + Dikter

    Japp, scenerna i boken utspelar ju sig i Volterra, så varför skulle inte filmen spelas in där? Väldigt bra fråga, men nu är det alltså bestämt att scenerna kommer att spelas in där. Scenerna i Volterra kommer att spelas in under 2 veckor i maj. Läs hela artikeln här. Fler bilder på Volterra kan du se här.

    Sjukt coolt hus, ligger i Volterra, hoppas verkligen att det är med i filmen..

    Solomon Trimble, spelade Sam, har blivit intervjuad av MediaBlvd Magazine. Dom har publicerat tre dikter, från hans karaktär Sam till Emily:

    Dear Emily,

    I know you can't read my mind like all the rest,

    And that of two, you may doubt that I love you best,

    So know that from time to time while lying on your chest,

    I imagine playfully fighting our child over a chance at your breast,

    And when he coos with smell of milk on his breath,

    In that moment, you curb my appetite for death,

    You save me from myself,

    Your puppy dog Sam.

    Läs dom andra två dikterna plus hela intervjun här.

    Twilight får "libby" priset

    Twilight röstades fram som "mest djur vänliga film" av PETA  fans. Jahap, lite konstigt, enligt mig, eftersom familjen Cullen faktiskt livnär sig på djur...

    Stephen King pratar om Stephenie Meyer och J.K Rowling

    Stephen King, en amerikansk författare, har snackat om både Meyer och Rowling.Han säger bland annat: The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good."
    Läs hela här.

    The Bad Mothers Handbook

    Såg den filmen precis, Robert gör den himla bra, skrattade åt honom hela tiden. Dessutom är han skitsöt.

    Hide and Seek

    Ikväll, kl 21.00 på TV 3 visas Hide and Seek med Dakota Fanning och Robert De Niro.


    Robert har berättat för OK magazine att: "There was a group of girls that left little notes in my car, outside of my apartment."

    "One of the first notes said: I'm not weird, but please call me.

    "The next day the note said: Please don't ignore me.

    "And the next day it said I'm going to kill myself if you keep ignoring me! (but I'm not weird, ok?)."

    Allvarligt talat, lämna killen ifred. Jag tror nog ingen vill ha medelande på sin bil som säger att nån ska begå självmord om man inte ringer en, eller vad tror ni..?

    Melissa Rosenberg: They're on set right now!

    Melissa Rosenberg, som gjort manusen till både Twilight och New Moon, har pratat om bland annat Leah och Chris Weitz.

    Om Leah: But at the moment, the part of Leah doesn't happen until the third movie

    Om Chris Weitz: Chris Weitz directed The Golden Compass, which was a beautiful-looking film," Rosenberg said. "And I think it's wonderful we have someone who has worked with CGI animals ... that will be a big part of New Moon. I'm delighted we have someone who's so expert at that

    Om  förbredelserna: Well, you know Taylor Lautner will be back as Jacob Black. I can tell you the original cast will all be coming back. They're on set right now, in Vancouver! They're all up there prepping the movie to start shooting very soon.

    Hungrig?? har lagt upp 28 blider på olika Twilight tårtor. Dom är sjukt coola, och man blir skithungrig. Och jag som fyller år snart, måste börja tjata om en twilight tårta... Har laddat upp några bilder, resten kan ni se här.

    Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me...


    Har laddat upp lite olika bilder på Rob, bland annat från Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Enjoy!

    Min favorit!!

    Grattis Rachelle Lefevre

    Idag fyller Rachelle Lefevre, som spelar Victoria, 30 år. Grattis.
    Hon har varit med i oändligt många tv- serier och filmer, bland annat Bones, Veronica Mars, Prom Wars och självklart Twilight.

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